Saturday, October 3, 2009

Management Cardiogenic shock

Management Cardiogenic shock
If the cause is myocardial infarction prompt revascularization (thrombolysis or acute angioplasty) is vital;
Manage in Coronary Care Unit, if possible.
Investigation and treatment may need to be done concurrently.

Investigations ECG, U&E, CK, ABG, CXR, echo. If indicated, CT thorax (aortic dissection/PE) or [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] scan.
Monitor CVP, BP, ABG, ECG; urine output. Do a 12-lead ECG every hour until the diagnosis is made. Consider a Swan-Ganz catheter to assess pulmonary wedge pressure and cardiac output, and an arterial line to monitor pressure. Catheterize for accurate urine output.

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